UGJ is a professional CPA firm located in West Chester, Ohio. In this complex world with changing regulations, let us be your business professionals to prevent unneeded headaches, and frustration.
What we offer?
UGJ offers a variety of services to fit your needs, whether they be current or in the future. The experience that UGJ can bring to your organization offers a clear, concise solution that will address and fulfill your needs.
We tailor our services to large and small business, individuals and non profits. Our diverse staff has experience in all areas of accounting.
UGJ provides you with resources to make smart decisions about your financial health. We will assist you in implementing these decisions to benefit you, your family and your business.
Contact Us
UGJ CPA's Hours
February - April 15th Monday - Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-2
February - April 15th Monday - Friday 9-5 Saturday Hours 10-2
Additional office hours available on an individual need.
At UGJ we are committed to the success of clients and view each engagement as uniquely important. Rather than impose cookie-cutter solutions, we listen to clients and respond to needs.
From local businesses to international corporations, we offer our vast business experience to help you grow while focusing on adding value to your organization.
Timely customer service, unsolicited suggestions or recommendations are invaluable as you begin to trust and confide in your CPA. At UGJ we are not just a vendor, we are a trusted financial advisor.